Five for Friday, September 2-9, 2022
Today’s episode of Five for Friday recaps the strategic leadership emails for the week of September 5-9, 2022. If you already get my daily leadership emails, then I hope you’ll find some added value here and if you don’t already subscribe you can find a link on my home page at Many readers like to begin their mornings by reading the email and setting a leadership intention for the day, but please don’t feel any pressure to subscribe. You are already doing more to grow yourself than many others out there, simply by listening to the podcast.
Relationships in the workplace take three basic forms:
· Congenial: people share a social bond
· Pragmatic: people share a professional bond
· Collegial: people share professional and social bonds
The problem with congenial relationships is that while they make people happy, they don’t help us achieve the organizational purpose.
The problem with pragmatic relationships is that they only work well for some people.
Collegial relationships thus have two elements – professional and social. The ratios of each will vary, but both are present.
COVID laid bare the idea that work and life were separate, and if we don’t have a connection at both levels than we are missing something.
The prerequisite is to actually care.
We each have a story
Three steps to caring:
1. Recognize your own imperfections
2. Appreciate diverse perspectives
3. Learn the stories behind those perspectives
(Scott) The early steps of building a relationship are to be fully present, ask good questions, and listen.
Being vulnerable isn’t safe, but here are a couple meaningful ways that you can share vulnerabilities:
· Show that you are human but don’t complain
· Ask for help that the listener can give
· Share your dreams and what you are trying to get better at.
My goal this week was not to educate you on relationships, but instead to give you some simple things that you can think about and act upon.
· From this week, what is one thing you can act on?
· Bonus: What have you done this week to build relationships with each of your ECTs?
· What will you do next week?
· Building relationships should be intentional
· Learn people’s stories by being present, asking, and listening
· Be human, be vulnerable
Two dangers:
· Pragmatic (tasks over people)
· Congenial (single dimensional)
As leaders, we have an ethical obligation to serve our teachers, to help them grow, and to help them find joy in their work. We can do all those things better when we know their story and when they trust us.
This wraps up this week’s Five for Friday rendition of The Assistant Principal Podcast. If you enjoyed today’s show, please subscribe and rate this podcast. Rating the podcast really does help other people to find it.
If you have questions, ideas, or stories you’d like to share, please email me at
If you’d like to find out more about what I’m doing to support assistant principals, you can head over to my website at
I’m Frederick Buskey and I hope you’ll join me next time for the Assistant Principal Podcast. Cheers!
On September 22, from 7-8:30 EDT, I will take you on a space trip that will lead us out of the black hole of urgency.
In 90 minutes:
· You will understand how the gravitational pull of gravity really works, which will allow you to use more effective strategies to escape it.
· You will think differently, which will allow you to invest more energy into what you care about.
· You will learn five strategies, which will help you achieve more by doing less.
· You will learn one proactive practice, which will help you grow the people around you.
This webinar is FREE to Quadrant2 subscribers and registration opens today!
You can subscribe to Quadrant2 here.