Five for Friday Nov. 6-10, 2023
Hello Colleagues and welcome to another 5 for Friday episode of The Assistant Principal Podcast!
Today’s shout out goes to… my incredible book reviewers. My book on how to move from spending time on tasks to investing time in people id tentatively scheduled for publication in March.
One way to tell if people really care about you is to ask for critical feedback. People who aren’t really invested with say things like, “great job” or “looks good.” People who care about you will make specific suggestions about how to improve and why they are making those suggestions. So thank you to the following people for helping me create a better book to help people on their leadership journey:
- Dr. Justin Nutter, assistant superintendent of Lexington 4 SD in Lexington, SC
- Maria Werner, Founding Principal of Green Charter School, Simpsonville, SC
- Dr. Heidi Von Dohlan, Associate Professor and Program Director of the NC School Executive Leadership Program (NCSELP) at Western Carolina University, Cullowhee NC
- Eleanor MaCauley, Principal, Fairview School, Sylva NC
- Katie Joiner, AP, Mid-Carolina Middle School, Newberry SC
- Dr. Efraín Martinez, Princcpal, Conrad Fischer Elementary School and host of the Wisdom and Porductivety podcast, Elmhurst Illinois
- Dr. Sam Sircey, Prinpal (retired), Buncombe County Schools, NC
What a stellar group of leaders – thank you for helping me be a better leader!
Today’s episode of Five for Friday recaps the strategic leadership emails for the week of Nov. 6-10, 2023.
- The week’s emails:
The takeaway:
I think the common thread this week was assumptions.
- I may assume that what happens this time will be the same as what happens next time
- I assume you aren’t in trauma, or there is nothing I can do to support you.
- I assume I have the answers to helping you become self sufficient.
- I assume you see the same value in something as I do.
I think what’s really happening here is that we are operating on patterns. Our brains are great at creating patterns to guide our behavior so we don’t become paralyzed with decision-making. But those patterns can lead us to making assumptions and those assumptions can have negative impacts on our leadership.
So, what can you do?
- What’s not working?
- Who needs your support?
- Your own condition?
That is this week’s Five for Friday rendition of The Assistant Principal Podcast.
Thank you for including me on your leadership journey.
I look forward to seeing you again next Tuesday…
Please remember to subscribe and rate this podcast. As I record this, we have climbed to 21 ratings and 6 reviews! What if we could reach 50 ratings by the end of the year? How cool would that be? Increasing those numbers helps others find the show.
I love hearing from you. So please consider emailing me at
Share a story, a reaction to the show, or a request or suggestion. I do respond to every suggestion.
I’m Frederick Buskey and thank you again for joining me on this episode of the Assistant Principal Podcast. Have a great weekend, get outside, laugh, and live! Cheers!
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