*Secrets* of Teacher Retention with Dr. Luke Simmering

Last fall I offered a five-page guide on ten activities to support new teachers during the first two-
weeks of school. The activities were designed to achieve three goals:

● Create a trusting relationship with the teacher
● Lay the foundations for a well-managed classroom
● Provide curricular guidance

Today’s guest has been doing some remarkable work using a high-quality teacher satisfaction
survey to identify keys to teacher retention. What really stands out to me is that he can provide
districts with data that is most applicable to them, not to every other district in the state or
country. That said, there are some common things that assistant principals and other school
leaders can do to help increase teacher retention. So how do these rigorously researched factors
compare to my goals for APs of building the relationship, laying foundations for classroom
management, and providing curricular guidance? We are about to find out, but I want to offer
you a challenge before we get any further – if you hear one or more simple actionable strategies
to increase teacher retention, will you actually implement them? I wonder...
*Secrets* of Teacher Retention with Dr. Luke Simmering
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